Who You Gonna Call?

Technical SEO Ecommerce Wizards

Rated 5/5 By Happy Clients

Your Challenges, Our Solutions

We’re not just SEO experts, but problem-solvers at heart. Whether you’re struggling with site speed, crawlability, indexing, or mobile optimization, we’re here to alleviate your website woes.

Our approach goes beyond standard fixes. We dive deep into your website’s unique characteristics and your industry’s specific demands to create personalized SEO solutions. Leveraging a blend of technical expertise and creative problem-solving, we transform your site’s performance, turning potential roadblocks into gateways for growth.

Why Technical SEO Matters?

Visitors would leave a website that takes longer than 4 seconds to load
0 In 1
Of user don’t revist poor performing websites
0 %
Of shoppers will shop elsewhere next time, if they are dissatisfied with their experience
0 %

Tools & Platforms we use

Google Analytics

Data Studio


Search Console


SE Ranking

Our Technical SEO Services Cover

Website Audits & Optimizations:

Comprehensive analysis and enhancement of your site's performance, user experience, and search engine compatibility.

Mobile & Speed Optimization:

Improving your site's load times and mobile responsiveness for a superior user experience.

Structured Data & Canonicalization:

Implementing structured data and managing canonical tags to better present your content to search engines and avoid duplication issues.

Website & HTTPS Migrations:

Facilitating seamless transitions to new platforms, designs, or secure HTTPS protocol with minimal disruptions to traffic and ranking.

Hacking Remediation & Security Enhancement:

Identifying and removing malicious activities, as well as implementing robust security measures to protect your site against future threats.

Sitemap & Robots.txt Management:

Efficiently managing these tools to guide search engines for optimal crawling and indexing of your site.

Content and Link Repair:

Rectifying duplicate content and broken link issues to improve SEO performance and user experience.

Pagination Handling:

Strategising effective methods for handling paginated content for user-friendly and properly indexed navigation.

Can’t decide if we are a good fit? Let’s have a 10-15 minute discovery call to help make your mind up! 

Here’s how it works




10-15 Minute Discovery Call 

We work out if we are a good fit for each other. We gather information on your current issues, goals, current setup and target market.

Technical & Strategy Audit

We run a technical and strategy audit to find any initial issues and point out strategic areas you could improve your sites SEO. 

Analysis & Proposal

We all jump on a call, to go through any issues we’ve found and strategic improvements you can make. Then you decide if you want us to do the work for you. 

Book A Free Technical SEO Audit Call

We'll review technical issues found from our audit during an analysis call. Then the decision to use our services to solve these issues is yours.

What they had to say

Ready for your digital success?

let Us Undo Those Nasty Technical Issues Holding You Back.